Saturday, January 25, 2020

Platos Apology And Charges Against Socrates Religion Essay

Platos Apology And Charges Against Socrates Religion Essay In the Socrates Apology, the Socrates is charged against the following: First thing that Socrates is charged against by the jury is his refusal to believe in gods whom the state believes in. Second charge is being responsible for teaching people to disbelieve the gods. Socrates is thirdly charged for corrupting the young by infusing in them the spirit of criticism. Final charge which Socrates is accused of is that he does wrong by speculating about the heavens and things beneath the earth as if he is a scientist and by making weaker reasons to be stronger thus acting like sophist. He studies things in the heavens and below the earths Socrates is an accused of being an evildoer person who is curious and walking in the air searching things that are under the earth and those in the skies thus he is identified by the jury as being a natural philosopher and according to the society of the time now termed as archaic or originary societies people are able to make sense of both the world around them and even of themselves through telling of stories that relate to gods and therefore making such gods to be fashions who are responsible fro ruling the world. Therefore by Socrates undertaking curios studies of things in the heavens that may refer to gods that people worship and things on the ground probably the people themselves makes him an evildoer because what he does is in opposition to the traditional belief of the people of the land where gods were believed to be divine and no body was supposed to investigate and question on them in any way (Brickhouse Nicholas, 2004). He makes the worse argument into the stronger (better) argument In this charge Socrates is accused using his oratory skill to persuade people in there society and make them adopt and believe in his point of view despite the fact that he knows little or nothing of what they are talking about. He is very ignorant of the subject he teaches people and that makes him to be considered a sophist an individual who go from city to city training people especially the youth in order to gain political powers thus becoming un trusted by many people of the society. Therefore Socrates is liable to be charged of being a sophist an act distasted by the members of the society. Socrates claims that the oracle at Delphi is responsible for his behavior as he thinks he is the wisest man based on the fact that he recognizes that he knows little of worldly things and given the fact he knows that he knows nothing make shim the wisest a claim which most of the people knows is wrong. In his defense Socrates say that he does no consider himself an orator in any way and unless it meant speaking the truth and honestly about what he knows. He defense himself from using his oratory skill to argue out weak arguments thus making then better and hence making the youth in the city to belief in his ideas and belief which are not based in any knowledge. He is guilty of corrupting the young In addition to the above charges Socrates is also charged with corrupting the minds of the young members of the society who are easily convinced to believing in appealing things and issues. This charge is based on the idea that Socrates cunningly uses his oratory skills to persuade the young into believing in his ideas which were based on his ignorance rather than on knowledge. Socrates is accused of going around in the society telling youth why they should not belief in gods which the society belief in and regards as divine and by teaching them that sun was a hot rock instead of Apollo thus he is to be helped responsible for corrupting the minds of the young in the society. This accusation is based on his sophistic beliefs that make shim to emphasize on rhetoric and reason, become skeptical on issues regarding knowledge and morals and finally that he takes payments fro his teachings which serve to corruption the youth in the society (Reeve, 1989). In defending himself against the charge that he has corrupted the young Socrates claims that he has never been a teacher in a sense that he can impart knowledge to others therefore he can not be held responsible for citizens who becomes corrupted. He goes further to challenge the jury that if he really made any one adopt bad behaviors why is it that none of them had come out to be a witness, or equally the same why there was none of the relatives of the corrupted youth to testify against him? Socrates concluded his defense by saying that since no one has come out to accuse him of the change that the jury is accusing him he can attest to the fact that many of the relatives of the youth in the city associates with him and in fact they where in the courtroom to support him. To complement his defense against corrupting the youth Socrates claims that he is a Gadfly that constantly agitates the horse preventing it from becoming sluggish and from sleeping thus considering himself as blessin g to these youth rather than a corruptor (Hackforth,1933). He does not believe in the gods of the city Final charge which Socrates is accused of is by not believing in the gods that the city considered divine and worshiped. The people in the city derives their political powers from gods who in turn regard themselves as divine as they consider themselves empowered by these gods as they can trace themselves and their ancestry to their gods. Thus people in the society dont care what one believe in but its a mandatory requirement that everyone in the society gives due honor to the gods of the city which they lived in failure to which is considered treason as it undercuts the authority and legitimacy of the ruling regime. Therefore by Socrates having being initially accused of natural philosopher, he is also accused of refusing to believe in gods of the city thus legitimizing the acclaimed rulers of the city and all those who ruled in the past. By Socrates curiously investigating on gods and regarding the sun as a hot rock instead of regarding it as Apollo makes him an offender in the soci ety who is liable to be judged by the jury for refusing to acknowledge the city gods and the divine emperor (Brickhouse, 1989). During his defense against the charge of not believing in the gods that the city believed in he claims that people have misunderstood his true activity and relates to the Delphic oracle where he was told that he was the wisest of all men despite having known himself as an ignorant person. But after testing the Delphic oracle to find a wiser person among the politicians,poets and craftsmen he never got one making the wisest as he was aware of his ignorance unlike other who though they wise but were not and that is why he never belied in the gods that the less wise leaders believed in. He finally catches his accuser by offering contradictory explanation that he is not a person capable of believing in false gods thus becoming an atheist but also he cant allow himself to belief in divine things that will render him an atheist also. Generally Socrates argues that al the charges he is accused of are all false and that such charges were brought by his enemies who had ulterior motives and most probably such motive have nothing to do with searching for the truth or for the good neither for the Athenians nor the sate therefore the jury should not be treating him as criminal who had corrupted the minds of the youth and an atheist ,he should be accorded respect an honor of a hero who has served nothing more than helping his society (Reginald, 1980). Based on the knowledge obtained from the jurys accusation dreaded against Socrates as well as from the defense the accused has given concerning the charges he faces as well as the rule of law of the state I find Socrates not guilty. My verdict is based on the fact that the jury has heavily and solely relied on the prevailing laws which do not sufficiently find Socrates an obvious violator of the law. Fr instance his changes regarding corruption of the youth in the society does not present sufficient witnesses who can attest to his violations of the law and the he was acting upon his belief which the law does not prohibit any one from believing in what they want to. Based on his defense on refusing to belief in the gods of the city he doesnt break the law has he has the right to belief in what he wishes to therefore the implied effects of spreading his doctrines and ideas lacks a basis of argument as non of his supposed student have caused ant trouble as it regards to the authority and legitimacy of the state leaderships. Finally given that Socrates who could have otherwise fled and saved his life his decisions and actions though out his trying has shown that he is not a person guilt of what he does and therefore does portrays a citizen who expects to be charged justly and family by the states thus implying that he is probably a person of decent character and stable principle which should be respected by the state.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Reading books which are related to real events Essay

Reading books which are related to real events, real people, and established facts brings about more knowledge, information and news. It is beneficial to learn how the knowledge is available. People have to read these books for studying, research, improving their brainstorm, or being about their career fields. However, reading other books leads people to get advantage as well. In my opinion, I strongly disagree with this idea. I am going to explain my reasons. Firstly, there are various kinds of books that are useful for enhancing thinking strength. It is not only text books but also fictional books such as detective fictions. For instance, Conan, which is regarded as a Japanese criminal-issued investigation comic, is widespread reading of both children and adults in Thailand. It may help readers to stimulate their powerful thought. If they observe and analyze scenario, they may find something that seems wrong in scenes so as to find out who is the criminal. Besides, the strategy planning books are also advantage to people’s thinking. These books describe how the way to success is and influence them to attempt to get their aim. Secondly, some kinds of books make people relax and entertain. People have to do their work or responsibilities almost every day and it may be hard and stressful to do well. They sometimes need the funny books such as novels or comics that help them to release their tension and cause their amusement and enjoyment although these books are less benefit to gain knowledge. Additionally, reading only a real event or fact book may have effect on children to be extremely bored and they should be deemed reading fictional books necessary in order that they will not neglect and will be interested in reading books upholding their imaginations. They should not be restricted reading only at text books. There are many other books which can be used as materials for students beyond the class of study. It gives rise to be creative and encourage their literacy. To illustrate, Harry Potter, which is a fantasy novel, has a great number of alphabet and seven series so far, but there have been a lot of children from all over the places reading this novel. Moreover, some of the readers use their free time for writing  fan-fictions of Harry Potter, which are stories coming from their imaginations on the other side of the main story. In conclusion, Reading books that are about not only real people, real events and established facts is more significant for people to improve their thinking power, to relax and entertain themselves in their leisure time. Furthermore, it is essential for children to arouse their imaginations, writing and reading abilities.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Awakening By Kate Chopin - 1347 Words

The Theme of Identity in â€Å"The Awakening.† â€Å"The Awakening† was an interesting novel that investigated topics on self expression and identity in typical Victorian day society. The author, Kate Chopin revealed this idea through the perspective of the main character Edna Pontellier, a traditional married woman who is awoken to her senses of who she was as an individual. The plot centers on Edna, who steps out of the normal expectations for women in society. She meets characters that develop her awoken state like Robert, encourage her like Mademoiselle Reisz or pull her back into society like Adele Ratignolle. Anyhow, the story tragically ends with Edna committing suicide by drowning herself at sea. She takes steps to express her identity,†¦show more content†¦In particular, once in the story Edna states, â€Å"I would give up my money, I would give my life for my children, but I wouldn’t give myself. I can’t make it more clear, it is someth ing I am beginning to comprehend, which is revealing itself to me.† (Chopin 80). In the context for this quote, Edna is having a conversation with Adele Ratignolle, who is a role model mother woman, perfect in society’s standards for a mother. Edna and Adele are foil characters, and this shows truly in this quote. Edna is talking about how important her identity is to her. She states how she wouldn’t give her identity for anything, even her children, which back then was a controversial thing to say since women were expected to highly prioritize their children. Adele’s reaction of confusion from Edna’s words reveals how Edna’s views are different from typical Victorian day society. This foreshadows how the ideas Edna possesses will make Edna’s life a challenge in the society where women are viewed differently. In continuation, Edna is first awoken to the ideas of identity in Grand Isle, but she takes steps for her identity when she retu rns back to New Orleans. One step she takes is finding a hobby to express herself – painting. She decides to focus on painting rather than doing her household duties that her husband assigns her. But this choice might not yield positive feedback. Specifically, in the following quote, Edna is

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Theory Of Social Darwinism - 1345 Words

The presidential elections are upon us once again, debate has been a common place to hear plans and deduce ideologies of various candidates. Income inequalities has been one hot topic and address by almost all the candidates. Some believe a higher tax rate on the rich is the solution whiles others believe it will do more harm to the society good. I ask myself, should Mr. Herbert Spencer, Minister Graham Sumner, and Andrew Carnegie come back to life, what will be their response? The aforementioned are the considered the fathers of Social Darwinism. In this essay I will discuss and evaluate the theory of Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism, a theory that supposed that humans are subject to Darwin’s law of evolution just like all other species†¦show more content†¦The Chief Chef being Mr. Herbert Spencer and owing it rise and popularization – especially in The United States – to the highly influential Yale Chair of political and social science, Minister William Graham Sumner. Sumner once said. â€Å"Let it be understood that we cannot go outside this alternative: liberty, inequality, survival of the fittest; not-liberty, equality, survival of the unfittest.† He claims â€Å"The former carries society forward and favors all its best members; the latter carries society downwards and favors all its worst members.† (VAROUS, 2009) This statement epitomize the thinking or ideals of a Social Darwinian and it will also form the basis for most of my discussion and evaluation. Adam Smith’s classical economies theories being one of the major ingredients in the Social Darwinian theory, meant they were strong proponents of Hands â€Å"off† Laissez-faire. They advocated restricted government intervention and or meddling with the economy, they believed in individual self-interest and competition and opposed the taxation and regulation of commerce. Taxation to a Social Darwinian was just a robbery of resources from the producer to the non-producer and for that matter not a good practice. The state or society they believe in should be built on â€Å"contract†. Contract they